Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Living with Dudes!!!

So in the last two years living in a house full of guys, you start to notice things.  Things that you wouldn't notice unless they happened every single day!!
  • Everyone knows about the man law about urinals in the bathroom, where if there's three, you never go for the one in the middle, regardless of how badly you have to go.  But I don't think everyone knows about the 3 shower rule.  If there are three showers in the bathroom, you first of all go for the one furthest from the door, if that one's occupied, you go to the one closest to the door, but if that one's full you go to the one in the middle, but only as a last resort.  The middle shower is never the first option, for reasons similar to the urinal rule, but maybe not so strictly adhered to.  
  • Walking down the hallways you can detect certain smells and odors that are very specific to the areas to which they cling to.  For instance, not to name names, but walking up my stairs you can smell the wonderful smell of a vanilla candle just about every day.  In another section of my hall, the burning of incense is very potent, where in another area Febreeze is a strong concentrated scent.  Recently there has been someone cooking some kind of stinky Italian food in the microwave half way down my hallway which doesn't go away for at least a day, which by then has been replaced with a fresh dose of Italian stinkage!!  But regardless of what floor you are on, there is always someone with the nastiest B.O. possible and it overpowers any attempt at a mask or air freshener.  So a quick word of advice to anyone with a problem like this, open your window (if you have one) at least once a day for 20 minutes or so to freeze any germs that might be present (and in Minnesota they die pretty quickly, considering the temp here is in the teens already).
So that's all I have for today, I'll give you an update on my life some other time.  We'll see ya next time!!

      Monday, December 6, 2010

      Why not!!

      So this is me....
      I am a Sophomore college student at Saint Mary's University in Minnesota (who goes there??)
      I am also a seminarian for the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend (answer to question ^)
      I am 145 pounds and am about 5'11" and have dashing good looks (just in case you were curious)
      God is my BFF and Mary is my Home Girl!

      I've realized a few things about myself today:
      • I have random bouts of wanting to shave with shaving cream as opposed to my electric shaver, maybe because I try to feel manlier than I really am!!
      • I waste my time on the most random things; 
        • watching youtube videos trying to find the best cover to a John Mayer song, 
        • reading my friend's blogs cause they told me to,
        • posting the first thing that comes to my mind when I read someone's facebook statuses
      • I like to argue with people mostly for the sake of arguing, especially when it comes to music tastes
      • I am quite possibly one of the best procrastinators around....  (this blog is a result of it)
      • I need to start keeping receipts, because you never know when you need to return a pair of long underwear cause there's a big giant gaping hole in one of the legs!!! FML
      • And I like to follow trends even though I may have said I dislike them, like blogging for instance!
      Well that's all the important stuff, I hope Yall give me feedback and ideas for things to rant about or waste time about!
      God Bless and Peace out